How to check the battery's status on the terminal (Linux)

See this page of askubuntu:


(setq YaTeX-math-sign-alist-private
;;;   ("q"         "Q"          "(Q)")
;;;   ("z"         "Z"          "ZZ")
;;;   ("t"         "text"          "text")
   ("bb"        "mathbb"        "\mathbb{}")
   ("mb"        "mathbf"        "\mathbf{}")
   ("mc"        "mathcal"       "\mathcal{}")
   ("qu"        "quad"          "__")
   ("qq"        "qquad"         "____")
   ("ls"        "varlimsup"     "___\nlim")
   ("li"        "varliminf"     "lim\n---")
   ("il"        "varinjlim"     "lim\n-->")
   ("pl"        "varprojlim"    "lim\n<--")
   ("ae"        "textrm{ a.e. }"  "a.e.")
   ("as"        "textrm{ a.s. }"  "a.s.")
   ("qe"        "textrm{ q.e. }"  "q.e.")
   ("st"        "textrm{ s.t. }"  "s.t.")
   ("capa"      "textrm{Cap}"   "Cap")
   ("supp"      "textrm{supp }" "supp ")
   ("Li"        "lim"           "lim")
   ("limi"      "liminf"        "liminf")
   ("lims"      "limsup"        "limsup")
   ("pi"        "prod"          "Π")
   ("U"         "bigcup"        "∪")
   ("UU"        "bigcap"        "∩")
   ("/o"        "emptyset"      "Φ")
   ("bigop"     "bigoplus"      "_\n(+)~")
   ("bigot"     "bigotimes"     "_\n(x)\n ~")

pdfgrep (for UNIX users)

When you would like to search all pdf documents under the particular directory (e.g. "~/pqr") for the pdf file containing the sequence "abcd", you should use the command pdfgrep on terminal.

0. Download and install pdfgrep. If you use Arch Linux, then you should type as follows.

$ sudo pacman -S pdfgrep
1. Move to the directory "pqr".
$ mv ~/pqr
2. Use pdfgrep.
$ pdfgrep -nHm 10 abcd ./*.pdf

Xfce@Archlinux@ThinkPadX220iで外部接続キーボード(HHKB for Mac)のキーアサインがずれる件について

1. 左上のメニューから,設定>キーボード>レイアウト 

2. 「システムのデフォルトを使用する」をオフにし, 

3. 自分が外部接続したキーボードを選ぶ.